Baby E was in the studio last weekend for some Christmas photos. She was such a happy baby and did so well for all of her photos. I definitely would love her Christmas PJs for myself too. Here are some of my favourites!

I photographed this couples’ wedding a couple of years ago in Hecla and it has been so nice watching their family grow since then. This year I got to meet their newest addition, Baby E. Big sister was not a huge fan of photos with her baby sister but they did pretty well anyways. Here […]

I photographed Baby S as a newborn and it was so much fun to see her again for her one-year session in studio. She is seriously the happiest baby ever and was so easy to photograph. Here are a few of my favourites!

I first met the P Family when Baby C was a newborn. We met up for their family photo session at Kings Park a couple of weeks ago on what was supposed to be a sunny Sunday morning. It ended up raining a bit part way through the session but these three kept on smiling […]

Baby S is one and she celebrated with her Mom and Dad with a photo session in the studio. We got a lot of photos with cuddles with Mom and Dad as she was not too keen on getting photos done on her own which was more than fine. I love seeing the babies that […]

I met up with Baby Q and her parents for her cake smash photo session and some family photos. We went to La Barriere Park and the weather almost didn’t cooperate but it actually turned out to be a perfect day. Miss Q is even more adorable now than she was when I did her […]

I love seeing my newborns again for their one year photo sessions. It is so nice to see how much they have grown and changed over the year and to get a glimpse of their personalities. I love it even more when the whole family decides to do a photo session together to celebrate the […]

Baby M is one soon and we celebrated with some family photos and a cake smash at the park. I first met this family last July for Baby M’s newborn photos and this was my fourth session for them. The kids are always a lot of fun and it was nice to finally have an […]

I first met Baby M and his family back at his newborn photo session last year. He was such an adorable and calm newborn baby and I was so excited to see him again. He did not disappoint for his cake smash session. We got a lot of smiles and personality during his clean photos […]

I can’t believe that Baby I is six months old already! She is so cute and has the sweetest gummy smile. I can’t wait to see her for her one-year session. Here are a few of my favourites!