Just before Christmas I had the pleasure of meeting Baby Girl I and her parents for an at-home newborn photo session. She is a sweetheart and definitely loves her time being cuddled by her Mom and Dad. Here are a few of my favourites!

It is hard to believe that another year is coming to a close. It has been another amazing year both personally and professionally. Here is the first of the two Project 52’s that I completed this year!  

I met up with Baby K a few weeks ago for his newborn session. His hair is amazing and he is just the cutest little guy. Here are a few of my favourites from my time with Baby K 🙂

Baby N just turned one and we just took his final baby stages photos last weekend. He came on an extremely cold morning to my new studio for his session and did not disappoint. This little guy has the best fake smile and the most gorgeous blue eyes! Here are some of my favourites from […]

I love seeing the babies that I photograph as newborns at their baby stages session. Baby M has the most beautiful blue eyes and the longest lashes ever. Just like her newborn session, she was a dream to photograph and is such a happy baby. Here are a few of my favourites from her six-month […]

I photographed these gorgeous twin girls last month in their home. They are both very sweet and definitely have their own personalities already! Here are a few of my favourites! Enjoy!

My beautiful niece just turned one and we celebrated with a cake smash! Her big sister got in the action in her favourite PJs too 🙂 The cake was a definite hit, the bath not so much! Here are a few of my favourites!

We had a beautiful sunny day last Saturday for the B Family’s photo session at Assiniboine Park. These two boys were so sweet, but so not interested in getting their photos taken by me! 2-year-olds are tough, but they are still one of my favourite ages to photograph 🙂 Here are a few of my […]

This was my first year offering Holiday Mini Sessions in my studio this year and I will definitely be offering them again next year! I am so thankful for all of the families that came out a couple of weeks ago with their little ones. New faces and old faces, it was great seeing and […]

Baby H and his family came to see me in my studio last week. I love when families decide to get family photos at newborn photo sessions and Big Brother C made the sibling shots so easy. Here are a few of my favourites of Baby H.