I met the beautiful Baby R and her family a few weeks ago for her newborn session. This baby girl has the most amazing head of hair and showed off so many smiles. We go the perfect amount of both sleepy and alert photos for their gallery. Here are a few of my favourites from […]

Baby E was in the studio with her mom and dad a few weeks ago for her newborn photo session. This baby girl made my job so easy and gave us the perfect amount of both awake and sleepy photos. Here are a few of my favourite photos of this new family of three!

Baby A was in the studio a couple of weeks ago for her newborn photos. She was so full of little smiles during her session and I am so happy that we got a few of them. It was so nice seeing this family again since I last saw them when their son was a […]

Baby A was in the studio a couple of weeks ago for her newborn session. I share a birthday with this little one so I was so excited to meet her. She was a very alert and smiley baby during part of her session and very sleepy for the other part so we were able […]

I met Baby O and his family back in July for their first photo session as a family of four. Big sister was so ready for photos and was so gentle with her new baby brother. I love the photos that we got of the two of them together. Baby O slept through the majority […]

I first met the M Family back in the Spring at my mini sessions. It was so nice to see them again at their home and meet their newest addition. Baby S is so loved by both of her big brothers, they were so excited to take photos with her. We were able to do […]

This beautiful family was in the studio back in July for their newborn family photo session. They were my last session before I went on holidays and baby boy did not disappoint. He was full of some pretty sweet smiles and was so content during his whole session. Here are a few of my favourites […]

Baby C was in the studio earlier this year for her newborn photo session. She slept through the majority of her photos but did sneak in the occasional little smile. Here are a few of my favourite images of the very sweet Baby C!

Baby K and his family invited me to their home for a Newborn Lifestyle Photo Session a couple of weeks ago. I love these sessions for families that just want a relaxed session at home with their new baby. Thankfully the weather was perfect the day of their session and we were able to do […]

It was so nice meeting Baby O and her parents at their home a couple of weeks ago. At home newborn sessions are a great option for families that want a more relaxed session at home instead of coming into the studio. The weather was beautiful the day of their session so it was nice […]